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The mission of Interlicencia Service is to protect the lives and interests of International Motorists overseas and to strengthen the rights and identity of International Drivers License cardholders. Our work is about touching people’s lives in a thousand different ways every day. We deal with events and issues that have a personal impact: birth, death, marriage, adoption and relocation to another country. Interlicencia Service provides the International Drivers License that enables individuals to travel internationally and stands ready to lend a helping hand when people fall in various situations and obstacles in other countries. We make decisions and take actions every day that form key turning points in people’s lives. We have no higher responsibility than safeguarding personal identity, and we are determined to carry out this responsibility in the best and most effective manner possible. Following regulations established by United Nation conventions on Road Traffic and Safety and Government.

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We develop and communicate a vision for how our work unit can most effectively contribute to our mission. In pursuing that vision we relentlessly challenge employees and agents to strive for excellence and engage them in the effort to achieve goals and improve all aspects of the operation.

[/like_sc_content_width][like_sc_header type=”h3″ subtype=”h6″ header=”{{ Integrity }}” style=”header-underline” color=”black” subcolor=”default” align=”center” size=”default” transform=”default” size_px=”” use_theme_fonts=”yes” google_fonts=”” id=”” class=”” css=”” image=”” icon_type=”hidden” icon_bg=”transparent”][like_sc_content_width align=”center” max_width=”700″ id=”” class=”” css=””]

We hold our selves to the highest standards of integrity and professional conduct and do what is best for the organization and mission. We generously share credit for the accomplishments of the organization and demonstrate courage in dealing with difficult decisions and poor performers.

We take seriously our responsibilities as teachers, coaches and mentors and work to develop the skills necessary to play those roles effectively. We make time to get to know our less experienced colleagues and provide them timely praise, honest feedback, and opportunities to cultivate their talents.

We give employees and agents ownership over their work, issue clear and concise instructions, and provide coaching and further clarification if needed. We stand behind our people and take responsibility when mistakes are made or calculated risks don’t work out.

[/like_sc_content_width][like_sc_header type=”h3″ subtype=”h6″ header=”{{ Communicate }}” style=”header-underline” color=”black” subcolor=”default” align=”center” size=”default” transform=”default” size_px=”” use_theme_fonts=”yes” google_fonts=”” id=”” class=”” css=”” image=”” icon_type=”hidden” icon_bg=”transparent”][like_sc_content_width align=”center” max_width=”700″ id=”” class=”” css=””]

We help others understand the mission and their role in accomplishing it. We also listen actively to each other’s concerns and encourage innovation in day to day work by listening intently for suggestions. We recruit high caliber candidates, train them right from the start, build trust, and foster a sense of pride and mutual support in the team. We serve the team by eliminating obstacles, resolving conflicts, obtaining appropriate resources, and celebrating success.

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